HPV vaccination
What is HPV?
Human papilloma virus (abbreviated to HPV) is a type of viral infection that can affect the cervix. It can also affect over moist membranes in the human body, such as the anus, mouth or throat. It can be spread relatively easily through any kind of sexual contact
In most cases, HPV does not cause any symptoms, so it is difficult for anyone to know when they have the virus. In rare cases, however, it can cause cells to change in such a way that they eventually develop into cancerous tumours.
There are over 100 different types of HPV, although some are much more common than others. Type 16 and Type 18 are jointly responsible for around three quarters of cervical cancer cases. However, it is possible to protect patients from ever contracting these types of HPV with just one vaccination.
The vaccination is most effective when the patient has never been exposed to any type of HPV. This is why it is administered on the NHS before girls enter puberty. Being vaccinated before any sexual contact with others increases the success rate of the vaccine to almost 100% for preventing Type 16 and Type 18 HPV, according to early research.
The HPV vaccine can be administered in either two or three stages, spaced several months apart. Depending on the exact method used, the number of doses and the length of time between doses can vary. More than one dose is always required for the vaccination to be effective.
We offer private HPV tests, HPV treatment and HPV vaccination in our discreet & convenient clinics in London, UK.
Tell me about the HPV vaccine
Women’s Health Check
Sometimes you just want to make sure that everything is as it should be. We offer a general women’s health check with comprehensive feedback, advice and support.
The Smear Test
Nearly all abnormal smears show no more than minor changes in cells on the cervix (the neck) of the womb). These changes act as an early warning sign that over time, cervical cancer may develop if the minor changes are not managed appropriately.
CIN refers to pre-cancerous changes in the cervix that have been seen on colposcopy examination. These changes can also be known as dysplasia or SIL, which stands for Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions. We often describe CIN in more simple terms: ‘Cervix; In the skin; New cells’.
LLETZ is the surgical technique most commonly used to excise abnormal, CIN cells from the surface of the cervix. Cone biopsy is the selective excision of a cone of tissue from the cervix. The area is identified precisely so that any cancerous or pre-cancerous cells are removed within the cone.